Tag: Future.Tours

  • Too much info

    We all know this. It’s just too much information out there on every single topic. Sometimes it’s on point. Sometimes it’s controversial. Often it’s just clearly fake. With creators’ economy and generative AI, the other problem is building on top. There is too much decent and even great content! That’s why ChatGPT-like solutions will overtake…

  • Fashion E-commerce Trends

    Looking at tech trends, I expect several innovations to take off in fashion e-commerce. Let’s discuss:– What do you think about the list?– What else do you envision?– If you know startups built around those topics, please, share names/links in the comments.– Also, if you know examples of stores/platforms doing some of this great already,…

  • Stupid Questions To Blockworlds

    Recently I’ve spent a decent amount of hours in several most popular metaverse/blockchain worlds. Here are my (NOT a blockchain expert’s) couple of questions, based on examples of Sandbox and Decentraland. Consider this as developmental feedback. My idea is not to criticize anything but to reflect on the opportunities to grow, as well as to…