Starting over is a rare chance to reintroduce yourself. “Hi, I’m Ilya. I love marketing. Do you like it too?”

“Hi, I’m Ilya. I love marketing. Do you like it too?”

Starting all over. Changing jobs. Moving places. A rare chance to leave a first impression, again. To get to know another person. How special and precious it is.

What if you had a chance to reintroduce yourself to everyone you know? What would you say?

“Dear everyone. Mr. Petrov here. I’m a seasoned leader and experienced expert, striving to save the world. Please, subscribe and repost.”

Dear LinkedIn, wow. Why so serious? Have you heard yourself? Have you heard how kids introduce themselves on the playground?

“I’m Liam. I love dinosaurs. Do you like them too? Wanna play?”

My name is Ilya. I’m living two lives. One is the only one I have, so I’m trying to get the best out of it: taking risks and following my passions. The other one is the reflection of the first one. It’s in my head. I do a lot, but I also think a lot. So I get more from each experience. I think a lot, but I also do a lot, proving my ideas in action.

I’m curious about life and people, and the world doesn’t stop surprising me. It’s so exciting, I just feel the urge to share. Check this out! Look what I found! Have you thought about that? So, this is the idea. Let’s debate more.

Check this out. There is a line where people meet businesses, and the value exchange is happening. What is value? How is it changing? How do we define and create it? How do we communicate it? How do we capture value in a way that ensures the business will be there tomorrow, and the day after? Isn’t it curious?

I’m Ilya. I love marketing. Do you like it too? Wanna play?


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